Impressive Google +

I am not a big Facebook fan but used to spend quite some time on it by looking into some scraps, some videos, laughing on comments, liking some comments (remember the Like button).
Got the news of Google +. Requested few colleagues to invite me so that I can join the Google + league (which is not yet opened publicly).
Reaction in first few minutes: wow what a neat application. No UI frills as you can see below. Default landing is on Home page, next icon is for Photos (Photos from your circles),next is your Profile, and the last one is most talked about Circles. Clicking on Circle will show you People in your circle, People who’ve added you, People you can find and invite.
Circle is quite an innovation in Google +. Not everyone I have in my Facebook friend list are at same proximity. Some are college friends, some are colleagues, some are friend’s friend and many more like this. I feel Google +has understood it properly and they have created Circles as a solution. It helps you maintain your privacy. I have a circle of Colleagues, circle of friends who studied together, circle of people who I don’t know directly.
So when I write something on my wall, I may not intend to share with the whole world, and Google + just allows me to control this. Also I can choose my videos and posts not to re-shared and commented by anyone. On the contrary on Facebook, comments make you little popular and adds spice to your social life on Facebook.
I wish Google could release an Enterprise version of Google +, it can replace the typical email stuff. Imagine like this, you have your whole org  on Google +, you can have a Circle of “Dev Team”, “Test Team”, “Project Management”, “Release Management”, “Customer Support”. Best thing even if someone is not in your circle you can just add their email along with your selected circle.
They still need to add some more cool features, apart from the 3 shown below.
One good thing which I noticed on signing in to Google + is that they made good use of some of the user data they have. They pull in the data I have in my Google Profiles to create my Google + profile. Also they let you see how your profile would appear to others.
They have Gtalk enabled and in case you are a active gmail user, you will feel really happy ! So I would say just try it out.
Send me an email if you need an invite on Google +.


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