iOS native app testing using Frank

From quite some time I have been exploring mobile application testing. Primarily I have been looking into Calabash and Frank . Let's talk about Frank a bit more in this post. Frank is developed by a fellow thoughtworker Pete Hodgson . It's a light weight UI based automation tool. It's very easy to set up and is apt for testing native iOS app. It's based on cucumber and UISpec and can be used to write acceptance test for iOS app. Let me brief some steps needed to set it up, it's suggested that you traverse to the iOS application root's directory and then run these commands : You need to install the frank-cucumber gem. Run the command " gem install frank-cucumber " Next command is " frank setup ". This command will create the Frank sub-directory which will contain files needed to generate the Frankified version of the application. Next command is " frank build " which will create the Frankified version of the applica...